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Starting the year with a rest!


I know it may seem an unlikely thing for an accountant to say in January, but this is a very good month in which to rest and relax.

Don't misunderstand me, there is A lot of work to be completed this month, particularly with the upcoming tax return deadline. Here at Forth Accountancy we continue to take on new clients, tax reviews and to assist with tax enquiries.

However, whereas most people will be setting their New Year resolutions and intentions, I have concluded it would be more constructive to avoid this right now. I plan to take the pressure off myself and instead of getting into some training for a running race I am taking a more relaxing route with yoga and jumping in for some wild sea swimming. These activities will enable me to enjoy some downtime counteracting the demands of December and the whole of 2023! It is a kind of hibernation month, allowing a period of rest before smashing into 2024 with power and drive. This is the first time I have looked at January in this way and it feels good.

Yes, I do want to set fresh intentions for myself around learning, growth (personal & business), and health, but these intentions will be set throughout the year, rather than all at once and after a month of rest!

Happy New Year to everyone.



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