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Supporting Networks


Telling people about my new business over the last 5 months of set up has been pretty terrifying! The fear of people being negative and telling me I couldn’t do it made me really anxious. But with each person I told and each positive response I received in return, my confidence built and now I begin to see what others see in me.

A large part of this was being brave and reaching out to the CIMA members in practice network (MiP). Initially I was anxious they would dissuade me from starting up and maybe have barriers to getting my practice licence. As it turned out, I could not have been more wrong.

The MiP is a wonderful networking & support group. I’ve already met a handful of members virtually and they have been honest about the pros and cons of setting up in business for yourself and allowed me to learn from their experiences. I’ve joined virtual networking, had my first Zoom break out session, felt comfortable to ask questions, to offer advice to other members and to just be me.

It is refreshing to find a professional group that are so open to sharing knowledge, from advice to software programmes to pricing. No questions are stupid questions.

I’ve come to reflect that sharing is an important big part of supporting others. It helps them to learn from your experiences, it encourages them to relax, it makes people feel comfortable and welcome and with this they will perform better. Support and how we provide it impacts on a person. It feels great to have a positive impact and allow someone to grow with support.



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