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Social Media and Commentating Policy

Thank you for visiting Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice social media account. To help us maintain an open, helpful, and engaging community experience, please read the guidelines below and abide by them during your visits. Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time.


Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice adheres to Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and expects all Facebook users to do the same. This also includes interactions on any social media channel where Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice has a presence.


In addition, Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice reserves the right to remove comments that:

  • Contain personal identifying information about anyone, including, but not limited to, current, prospective, or former customers or employees

  • Contain unsubstantiated claims/baseless accusations

  • Are violent, obscene, graphic, threatening, or include hate speech

  • Hate speech is defined as any comment that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.

  • Are personal attacks, bullying, or harassment

  • Are profane

  • Are spam

  • Are off topic, including, but not limited to political or religious comments unrelated to finance, accounting or management accounts

  • Contain solicitations

  • Cannot be translated into English by Google Translate or other free online translation software

  • Direct users to an unofficial Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice social media or group otherwise related to Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice, violate Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice website terms of use.  


Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice encourages all users to utilise the report links made available by Facebook when finding inappropriate or abusive content.


To protect the privacy and safety of our employees, time-sensitive issues and company-specific communications should be delivered via an email to or by calling Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice directly at 0330 056 9912. Users who choose to engage in conversation Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice in posts, comments, and/or private messages acknowledge that Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice does not control and cannot protect information posted on this page.


Disclaimer: Any view or opinions presented in the user-contributed content on the Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice social media accounts are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Forth Accountancy & Tax Advice.


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